July 21, 2017

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale | Public Access

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

The once a year, highly anticipated, Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is finally here and open to the public!! Early access began last week but I didn't want to post much during it because that is just not cool since not everyone has a Nordstrom card! The sale goes until August 6.

So What Is The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale and why is every blogger you follow posting about it? The NSale is when all the new fall and winter items are on major sale for you to purchase during summer. After August 6 prices go back up to normal and you would pay full price. These items are brand spanking new for the fall and winter season. Nordstrom offers them at a discounted rate for a limited time. 

Therefore it is best to strategize and make a list of all the items you may need for the fall and winter season. Are you in need of a new pair of riding boots? How about a pair of rain boots? Or a new cute sweater for fall? Norsdstrom has it all!!







A bit of advice, if there happens to be an item you want that is sold out in your size or color be sure to check back in frequently because Nordstrom restocks items frequently during the sale. There are many items that sold out during the early access sale that are back in stock now!

If you are looking for something in particular or need any help shopping the sale feel free to comment, e-mail, or reach out to me and I would be more than happy to assist! Shopping is my cardio!!

Happy Shopping!

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