March 27, 2015

Friend Feature Friday | Hoda

Meet this week's Friend Feature Friday Hoda Katebi from Oklahoma! 

How do I know Hoda? Funny story actually and it all relates to six degrees of separation (or less in this case). Hoda's brother is married to my friend who lives in Ann Arbor and our family's grew up knowing each other for ages. Confused much? I met Hoda during her brother's wedding festivities in Michigan! I instantly knew that this beautiful girl is a rock star. She is sweet, kind, and so full of life! Later on when I realized that she is only 20 years young - I was envious of her and how sure of herself she is. I wish I was as confident in my self as Hoda is at age 20. Her love for fashion is evident through her blog [JooJoo Azad] and in addition her passion for international relations is clearly visible in her education and her devotion to social action. She speaks her mind, proudly represent and shares her culture, ethnicity, and religion through her blog and does it all while staying true to herself. She is the real deal and I just love that about her! Currently she is studying abroad in Morocco and I love keeping up with her fashion and travels while in Morocco.Keep reading and get to know Hoda!

1) Educational Background?

Currently in my 3rd year of undergraduate studies in International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies at University of Chicago

2) Current Job Title?


3) Zodiac Sign? Age?

Aquarius, 20

4) Ethnic Background?


5) Why did you choose or why do you love your profession/field of study?

I started blogging (we’ll pretend that’s my profession) because I wanted to take my identity as an Iranian Muslim into my own hands rather than let the media define who I am (and we know how excited they are about that!). So, my blog is a space where I express myself through my photography, style, and writing.

6) What is the most rewarding thing about your profession/field of study?

I am able to encourage people to be conscious of their shopping habits, think twice about Islam, and look at fashion differently.

7) What is your 5-year goal?


8) What are your hobbies or interests outside of your profession/work?

I read and write poetry, play violin, and I am wanting to start the Setar!

9) Favorite Website? 

You mean aside from this blog? :-)

10) Favorite TV Show? 

New Girl

11) Next travel destination? 

I’m currently studying abroad in Morocco, so USA!

12) Who is your style icon?

I don’t really have an “icon” per se but rather am heavily inspired by menswear, street style, and creative editorials. 

13) What are 3 wardrobe staples you can’t live without?

Scarves (hehe!), black boots, and patterned pants.

14) Three words that describe your style or personality?

Goodbye to rules!

15) What would you tell your teenage self?

Start reading Rumi in Farsi earlier. 

Social Media | JooJoo Azad Blog // Instagram // Facebook // Twitter // Pinterest

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” -Rumi



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