April 24, 2015

Friend Feature Friday | Atefeh

Meet this week's Friend Feature Friday Atefeh from Maryland! 

I have known Atee for a few years now. She is no stranger to the blog - she was a model in the Fashion for Compassion style panelist I did back in October. However we have known each other courtesy of six degrees of separation for many years now. She's an east coast gal and I'm a Midwest gal however we manage to know all the same Persians (that's how we roll). I officially met Ateee through her big sister - who is my sister's BFF - circa 2009, in addition our mom's are friends and have the same name, and her younger sister and I were roommates. Atefeh is a kind soul and it most definitely shines through her line of work as a refugee social worker. She is a ball of energy, outspoken, and always offers a helping hand.
Keep reading and get to know Atefeh!
1) Educational Background?

Bachelors in Social Work, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Masters in Social Work, University of Maryland Baltimore

2) Current Job Title?

Refugee Social Worker

3) Zodiac Sign? Age?

Sagittarius, 29

4) Ethnic Background?


5) Why did you choose or why do you love your profession/field of study?

There is a high need for Farsi speaking social workers. Clients from the Middle East and similar parts of the world need culturally competent individuals to help them and so I felt that it was my duty to get into this field. I love my job because I know that I make a difference.    

6) What is the most rewarding thing about your profession/field of study?

The most rewarding thing about social work is comparing your client’s lives before and after you assist and support them. Even though not every case is closed with a positive ending, the support that you are able to give them is priceless.

7) What is your 5-year goal?

 I don’t really have long term goals. I know that is strange, but I believe in living in the moment and just crossing bridges as you get to them. I like to wake up and sleep each day, content with what I have and where I am.

8) What are your hobbies or interests outside of your profession/work?

 My favorite hobby is makeup artistry. I have taught myself through practice and watching various makeup artists and their techniques.

9) Favorite Website? 

10) Favorite TV Show? 


11) Next travel destination? 

Puerto Rico

12) Who is your style icon?

Jennifer Anniston 

13) What are 3 wardrobe staples you can’t live without?

Trench coat, skinny jeans, and a good pair of skinny black heels.    

14) Three words that describe your style or personality?

Simple, Approachable, and Present

15) What would you tell your 20 year old self?

Don't NOT do anything because of time, it passes anyways.

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“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”  - Rumi

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